Saturday, January 28, 2006

Who am I? I'm a husband and a father...

I'm doing a few brief "Who am I?" posts, figuring that there might actually be a few people who are strangers who view my blog. This one follows up the random motorcycle post that showed pictures of one of my close buddies attempting to ride a street bike. Hah!

As I experiment with learning how to put posts up quickly and effectively, I'm trying to figure out a few of the techniques related to images and, bear with me...

Above I tried to post a picture two pictures.

The first, in the upper left, is my wife and I, taken on my 30th birthday at Dessert Noir restaurant. We went out with some friends to celebrate the beginning 10 more years of youthfulness! When I hit 40, I doubt there will be any pictures of me smiling. I'll be a depressed lump of discouragement, sitting on my couch, watching the Blazers lose...but that's in the future...

The second picture my wife and my son Noah. To date, this is my absolute favorite picture of them, because it is a candid shot taken on a mild, windy, summer afternoon over in Cannon Beach. It's a classic Oregon-coast picture and I love the fact that Jessica is right in the middle of laughing and talking (she says that makes the picture look bad...I respond by saying that's the beauty of candid pictures...I also like the fact that Noah was actually looking at me when I snapped the picture)...


eyeovthestorm said...

Cool pic

Helen said...

Nice pics todd. Have you been tagged yet? Well, consider it done!
