Saturday, January 21, 2006

First Posting! Dated 011206 (revised 012806)

Well, let me just start my first post by claiming that I have no purpose greater for these blogs than taking the gospel of Christ that has changed my life so dramatically through the years and communicating that to friends near and far through the Web. It is much better, of course, to hold such conversations in person...but we all know that isn't always possible in today's society!

On a lighter note, I'd love to discuss the upcoming World Cup that will take place this summer...only the soccer fans will want to venture into such talk!

On another note, but a heavier one: I'd also love to participate in some conversations about the condition of the traditional family unit in America today. I'm saddened by the lack of nuclear families in my own city and across the cultural landscape. I believe we're in trouble as a society, because of fatherlessness, and because our families are quietly disintegrating...I also believe that the Bible has much to say about how to restore wholeness to the family...I am so thankful for that guidance that comes from the Lord of all creation...

A crusty old author and an acquaintance from my days in Seattle can have the credit for inspiring me to finally get started with my own blog; so thanks, Newbigin; thanks, Drew.


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