As I reflect further on this point, I have randomly placed a few pictures from the past year, for those of you who enjoy seeing updates of Jessica and the boys.
I confess, I am struggling with this goal of disciplined devotion. Roughly 14 hours of an average day for me are scheduled fairly tightly between many obligations, big and small. Where is the time spent with the Lord? I find a few minutes here, a few minutes there; I offer up some brief prayers while at work, some moments of adoration while driving.
Yet, I think I am learning what Steve Moore really meant. The omnipresence of our Lord means that the Spirit is with us during every waking moment and every sleeping moment. So, those few-minute time blocks are just as precious as the 30-minute quiet times with my Bible that I rarely seem to find. The prayers that are breathed silently or quietly during my day can be intimate and powerful, just like the times in my brown leather chair with open Bible and open heart.
It has been nearly a year since my struggle with cancer and the two surgeries that were done. Selfishly, I must admit I was hoping that the past year would be one of those emotional mountaintops where I felt really close to God. I wanted it to be not terse and pithy, but profound in dramatic ways. What an odd thing to wish for, in retrospect! Instead, I have seen the Lord's hand work in just the opposite way. I have been growing in ways that are very much like the poem below that was shared by Dr. Moore during that same college denoument. I don't know the author's name, but here it is:
My Life is but a weaving
between my Lord and me;
I cannot choose the colors
He worketh steadily.
Oft times He weaveth sorrow
And I, in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper,
And I the under side.
Not til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.
He knows, He loves, He cares,
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives His very best to those
Who leave the choice with Him.
My struggle with cancer is represented by a few of those dark threads. My recovery and all the amazing people in my life who walked beside me are represented by threads of gold and silver. A few threads for my wife, a few for my two boys, a few for my parents and close friends; even a few for that crazy but very capable surgeon.
As the Lord continues to weave the tapestry of my life, I am learning and growing in ways that are only attributed to His grace. As 2009 approaches, it is my prayer that the circumstances of your life can lead you to look closely too at what the Weaver is up to...and I know that because God's love is matchless, your tapestry is beautiful too in some incredibly unique ways. Look for them. Be humbled by them. Grow closer to your Maker and sense His blessings in the middle of your busy life.
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